Whippet Health Foundation Database
Welcome to our database! The Whippet Health Foundation Database is a comprehensive collection of Whippet health and pedigree information. There are many features for you to explore so please take some time to explore the database and the information it contains.
In addition to the many photos of Whippets to enjoy, the database is intended as to be a research tool for pedigrees and health information. The WHF does not endorse any specific breeder or breeding program. The information is presented as accurately as possible but it is always possible a mistake can be made. If you spot any information that is not correct, please contact us at comments@whippethealth.org.
We strongly encourage Whippet owners to submit test results and pedigree information to the Whippet Health Foundation open database. Please see the Submit Data button in the menu once you are in the database. It is our hope that the WHF database becomes the most used resource for Whippet owners searching for Whippet health records and information.
No logon or registration is required to access the database. Simply click the button below to enter as a guest. Enjoy!